Despite its reputation as a recreational drug, cannabis has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. It can be used to treat anxiety, stress and insomnia among other illnesses.
Countries such as Canada and Uruguay have recently legalised cannabis for recreational use. The UK is some way off following these nations into legalising the drug for the same purpose although it’s now essential for the UK to allow patients to use the drug for medical purposes.
Regulating the use of cannabis for medicinal use and making it safe for those who need it erases the problem of people obtaining the drug illegally. Public opinion regarding the legalisation of cannabis has shifted in recent years following cases where patients required cannabis to combat major illnesses. In 2017, 12-year-old Billy Caldwell was allowed access to medicinal cannabis for treatment for his severe epilepsy. Billy then went 300 days without a seizure after previously suffering from around 10 a day.
A report by the World Health Organisation said alcohol is responsible for one in 20 deaths worldwide. Alcohol has been a silent killer for decades but has remained accepted despite this reputation.
Alcohol does not have anywhere near the same health benefits as cannabis oil which begs the question, would the government ever consider banning alcohol?
This simple answer is no since it adds too much value to the British economy – and cannabis oil has the potential to do the same.
The UK won’t relax their stance on the recreational use of cannabis in the near future but the medical benefits of the drug are evident. It is imperative that the drug be allowed to treat people who need it most with the health benefits it offers to those suffering from some illnesses.